Thanks to concentration on stable plantation area of cassia in Yen Bai, the living standard of local people has been improving. In addition, it contributes to protecting the ecological environment of this area.
Yen Bai province is suitable for the growth and development of cassia due to abundant soil conditions. Over time, the cassia hills have gradually become forests. Besides, the long-standing cultivation technique of the local people brings to this land a precious spice – Yen Bai cassia.
Yen Bai has an area of over 60,000 ha of cassia, in which Van Yen district accounts for 70%. Annually, the province newly grows from 1,500 to 1,800 ha of cassia. With that area, the income source of cassia yields over thousands of billion VND each year.
Not only helping the mountainous people to grow rich, cassia in Yen Bai also contributes to the greening of bare land, hills and the ecological environment protection. This is the result after many years implementing the policy of sustainable development of cassia area in Yen Bai province.
Previously, to improve the main crops of the province, Yen Bai has had many solutions to develop cassia area stably. Specifically, the governor encouraged people to cultivate cassia by region with high quality cassia varieties. Moreover, the governor focused on developing strategies of trademark of cassia in the province.
Along with that, the province develops policies to support science and technology in cultivation. The province also organize training on how to plant, care, exploit and protect cassia in accordance with export standards.
In order to solve the difficulties for cassia in Yen Bai, the province creates favorable conditions for enterprises to build factories here. Accordingly, they can process products from shells and leaves, help local people obtain high economic value.
Over many years, cassia in Yen Bai have brought local people a stable source of income. Previously, growers were beneficial from cassia bark only, all the materials such as stem and branches now they can sell at high prices.
The brand of Yen Bai cassia has been improving when the National Office of Intellectual Property decided to certify the geographical indications for cassia in Yen Bai. By these advantages, cassia continues to be a key tree for economic development of the province for many following years.
Vietnamese source: vnexpress.net